Reject telemarkerting
calls easily with
Easy Reject
Easy Reject is another application that is must for every business official and student. Easy Reject prevents you from getting into embarrassing situation by stopping your phone from ringing at unwanted times that too by those salesmen, telecallers and all insurance agents. There may be unlimited number list from whom you would never like to get disturbed and Easy Reject helps you in achieving this.

The key features of Easy Reject include:
1. With Easy Reject you can add the numbers from which you don’t want to get disturbed into the black list and Easy Reject will take care that they do not disturb you again.
2. Easy Reject sends busy tone the callers added to your black list keeping them in a notion that you are really talking to someone.
3. Even if the blacklisted people try to message you, their message won’t appear on the screen and you will not be notified about it. It will simply be added into the message log which you can see later on.
4. Easy Reject integrates very well the phone books in your phone and keeps log offal the activities it performs for your future reference.
Good and bads are integral part of each other and Easy Reject is also no exception to this. On one hand it helps you in managing your incoming calls, screens and filters them but on the other hand you may miss on a very important call from a number which you may have added into the blacklist earlier and this a last situation you would like to be in.
Supported phones: for a complete list of supported devices click
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