Widget By Devils Workshop

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Battery Manager 4 Mobile Phone

Battery Manager For S60 Symbain Phones
Battery Manager is another mobile application which falls under the category of Symbian series 60 mobile phone applications and what it does is quite evident I guess. Well if not then Battery Manager is designed to manage your mobile battery so that you never run out battery power when you need it most. What is actually does is that it manages your profiles, Bluetooth functionality the way you have customized it to.

Let me explain this application with the help of example. Suppose you want that your battery level should not fall below last 2 bars, you can customize Battery Manager to alert you if the defined criterion by you is achieved. To do this you need to click on Options, and then go to settings and then finally to profile actions from you can choose the profile you want to activate. Then click on Change Profile to Offline. To get started click on Start Battery-Managing and let the Battery Manager run in background and monitor your battery status. You need not worry of your RAM consumption as Battery Manager is very light.

The above was just an example; you can customize Battery Manager the way you want it to perform. You can also set the alert at 3 battery level and whats really good is that you can set 2 profiles, one for 2 battery level and the other for 3 battery level and both will run simultaneously. The profile you customize contain the options such as disabling notifications, sounds and Bluetooth when the battery starts to run low.

Installation notes:

1. The first thing you need to do is install “xprofile_3rd_110_unsigned.SIS”.

2. Then install “blues_3rd_1_0_0_unsigned.SIS”

3. Finally install “BatteryManager_v1_5_0_unsigned.sis”.Note: all the installations must be done in the phone memory.

Download Battery Manager

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