Saturday, December 27, 2008
Your Windows Mobile with Scribbler

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Your Mobile Phone KeyBoard with Virtual Key

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Turn Your Mobile Into A GPS Navigation Device

1. VZ Navigator provides all the features of any advanced navigation system coupled with the good old features of mobile phone. One thing here to be said is that both the functions are very well integrated.
Supported phones: BlackBerry, HTC, LG, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, Verizon Wireless, windows mobile
Monday, December 22, 2008
Theme For Your Mobile

Supported phones: Symbian s60 3th edition mobile phones.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Browser for mobile phones

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Google Android Phone Application

1. WordMate can recognize most of the dictionary formats such as .dwm format and Stardict format files. There are the most famous dictionary formats and can be added to the disctionary database of WordMate very easily.
Shortcuts for opera mini for mobiles.

Monday, December 15, 2008
Google Phone Android Application

Features of Puluwai:
1. With the quick search option of Puluwai, you can find all the property listing in your area quite conveniently, easily and effectively.
2. If you don’t want to enter the location manually then you can also use the GPS technology of G1 phone and get the job done.
3. Puluwai also enables the G1 users to view the photos of all the properties on sale and then later on you can click on the desired image to view the enlarged version and have an idea about the property if it interests you.
4. Right from the map screen you can contact the owner of the property and fix terms with the selling party. Indeed a very nice feature provided by Puluwai.
5. Whats good is that whichever property suits you or you think is worth having a look at, you can mark them on the map and share them with your family, friends or any person you wish to seek advice before buying the property.
For all the users who want to see a video tutorial of how to use Puluwai, can visit this link and the download link of Puluwai can be obtained below.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Download handy Calc
Features of handyCalc are:
1. handyCalc enables the G1 users to solve complex mathematical equations which includes solving the linear eqations.
2. With handyCalc you can also finds the roots of the equation may it be linear or complex.
3. You can also perform calculations based on the Newton method.
4. But the most striking feature about handyCalc is that you can also draw graphs and study and compare two graphs. The graphs you draw can also be animated without any glitch in the recent upgrade of the handyCalc.
5. You just need to type in the equation for which the graph is required and handyCalc will mange the rest of mathematics for you and will diplay the best possible graph from the available information.
6. You can also zoom in and out from the graph if you want to concentrate on a particular region of the graph.
7. Whats really good is that despite it providing really complex operations, it keeps all the complexity to itself and has a very clean and friendly interface making it very easy for even the novice users to use it.
The functionality of handyCalc must be very clear uptill now but if in case it is not clear you can visit the following video tutorial for any further assistance.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Assigning Shortcuts To Camera Mobile Phone With Camcuts

Camcuts add 3 more features to assign shortcuts to your camera mobile .Features provided by Camcuts:-
1. Flash mode :
• Key 1 – Auto (add camera to set on auto flash mode )
• Key 4 – On(flash of camera is set on )
• Key 7 – Red Eye (add red eye feature to flash on taking a photograph)
• Key * - Off(flash of camera is set off)
2. Photo Mode :-
• Key 2 – Auto(set camera mode to auto which adjust its screen mode according to the day light )
• Key 5 – User(set camera to user mode in which user will set the photo mode according to itself )
• Key 8 – Night(set camera to night mode )
• Key 0 – Macro(set the camera to macro mode in which user gets a super magnified image )
3. General :-
• Key 3 – Video/Photo(change mode to either video or photo )
• Key 6 – Crosshair (adjust cross hair according to camera features )
• Key 9 - Color Mode(add settings to your phone in which user can adjust color sensitivity of the image )
• Key # - Self Timer(add the camera to functionality if clicking the photo automatically after the timer has set)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Apply Custom Profile on your mobile phone
Profile on your
mobile phone
with FlipSilent
FlipSilent mobile application is specially designed for smartphones which have accelerometer and motion sensors like nokia N95 etc. FlipSilent mobile application is specially designed for Symbian series 60 phones which takes the advantage of the inbuilt accelerometer and the motion sensor of the phone.1. FlipSilent allows you to customize various profiles according to your needs and set the configuration menu to match your requirements.
2. You can configure upto 6 custom profiles.
3. FlipSilent also lets you set the option of hanging up the call or put the phone in silent mode when you flip over your phone.
4. With FlipSilent you can harness the true potential of your phone and whats really good is that you can also configure the sensor activity and can set it work under different situations.
5. With FlipSilent you can also configure the alarm options which means that how will the alarm react when you flip over the phones. You can configure the alarm to stop of go in snooze mode.
6. Moreover returning back to the previous profile is also very simple. Just flip back and your phone will revert back to the previous profile from the silent profile.FlipSilent is an application which is must to have in every business man’s phone. To know more about the working of the
application you can see this demo video
Download FlipSilent
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Downlaod Free Nokia Internet Radio
Nokia Internet Radio

1. Nokia Internet Radio currently provides support to mp3 streaming and the developers are working on to provide more support.
2. You can browse through all the radio station via Nokia Internet Radio’s central management systems by genre, popularity etc.
3. If you like any radio station then you can also add that particular radio station to your favourites and then access it from your favourites menu.
4. Nokia Internet Radio also supports the sound fading option which means that the sound of the previous radio station will gradually fall and the sound of the new station will increase when you switch to a new station.
5. Moreover the code is so very well written that the application functions good under any circumstances.
One thing you need to take care is that listening to radio via grps or your mobile internet may turn out be costly unless you have unlimited usage plans. So decide before you start using this nokia radio application.
Supported phones: Symbian series 60 third edition phones.
Download Nokia Internet Radio
Monday, December 1, 2008
Control Your Home Applicance by Mobile Phone
Control Your Home
Applicance by Mobile
Phone with Home
Control Centre
Home Conteol centre is a mobile developed by nokia and it aims at providing solutions to automate the homes. Home Control centre is however currently for UK users and can be used to regulate almost any electronic appliance in homes. Home Control centre is still due to launch but there is no information revealed by nokia about the price tag as yet.1. Home Control centre allows you to control almost every electronic item in the household. You can control the temperature of your room to your home security system.
2. Home Control centre aims at integrating all the electronic equipment over the internet which is certainly a very big challenge.
3. Nokia has also used linux platform for developing Home Control centre which is open source. Linux was selected so that the manufactures of the electronic gadgets can also develop compatible softwares for their products.
4. In near future nokia aims at providing the users with a feature of knowing their current electricity consumption and regulate their equipments accordingly even when they are away from home.
The idea of smart homes by nokia seems to be a really nice one but there are a lot of hurdles in the way and the challenge taken by nokia is also going to be a tough. Getting the manufacturers of the electronics to develop software for their products which is compatible with nokia’s Home Control centre will also be a big task.
Supported phones: nokia smatphones
Download Now