Widget By Devils Workshop

Monday, December 15, 2008

Google Phone Android Application

Download Puluwai - Google Phone Android Application

The name of the google android application doesn’t explain much about its functionality and working. Puluwai is a mobile real estete search engine with which you can browse all the real estete listing in your location. Puluwai has made searching any real estate or property in your location very easy and can be done either by keying in the location or all the property listings in your current location can be easily found by using the inbuilt GPS of google android. To put it rightly Puluwai can be thought of as a must to have application by a property dealer if by any chance he happens to have google G1 android phone.

Features of Puluwai:

1. With the quick search option of Puluwai, you can find all the property listing in your area quite conveniently, easily and effectively.

2. If you don’t want to enter the location manually then you can also use the GPS technology of G1 phone and get the job done.

3. Puluwai also enables the G1 users to view the photos of all the properties on sale and then later on you can click on the desired image to view the enlarged version and have an idea about the property if it interests you.

4. Right from the map screen you can contact the owner of the property and fix terms with the selling party. Indeed a very nice feature provided by Puluwai.

5. Whats good is that whichever property suits you or you think is worth having a look at, you can mark them on the map and share them with your family, friends or any person you wish to seek advice before buying the property.

For all the users who want to see a video tutorial of how to use Puluwai, can visit this link and the download link of Puluwai can be obtained below.

Download Puluwai

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