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Monday, December 1, 2008

Control Your Home Applicance by Mobile Phone

Control Your Home

Applicance by Mobile

Phone with Home

Control Centre

Home Conteol centre is a mobile developed by nokia and it aims at providing solutions to automate the homes. Home Control centre is however currently for UK users and can be used to regulate almost any electronic appliance in homes. Home Control centre is still due to launch but there is no information revealed by nokia about the price tag as yet.

Features of Home Control centre:

1. Home Control centre allows you to control almost every electronic item in the household. You can control the temperature of your room to your home security system.

2. Home Control centre aims at integrating all the electronic equipment over the internet which is certainly a very big challenge.

3. Nokia has also used linux platform for developing Home Control centre which is open source. Linux was selected so that the manufactures of the electronic gadgets can also develop compatible softwares for their products.

4. In near future nokia aims at providing the users with a feature of knowing their current electricity consumption and regulate their equipments accordingly even when they are away from home.

The idea of smart homes by nokia seems to be a really nice one but there are a lot of hurdles in the way and the challenge taken by nokia is also going to be a tough. Getting the manufacturers of the electronics to develop software for their products which is compatible with nokia’s Home Control centre will also be a big task.

Supported phones
: nokia smatphones

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