Features of handyCalc are:
1. handyCalc enables the G1 users to solve complex mathematical equations which includes solving the linear eqations.
2. With handyCalc you can also finds the roots of the equation may it be linear or complex.
3. You can also perform calculations based on the Newton method.
4. But the most striking feature about handyCalc is that you can also draw graphs and study and compare two graphs. The graphs you draw can also be animated without any glitch in the recent upgrade of the handyCalc.
5. You just need to type in the equation for which the graph is required and handyCalc will mange the rest of mathematics for you and will diplay the best possible graph from the available information.
6. You can also zoom in and out from the graph if you want to concentrate on a particular region of the graph.
7. Whats really good is that despite it providing really complex operations, it keeps all the complexity to itself and has a very clean and friendly interface making it very easy for even the novice users to use it.
The functionality of handyCalc must be very clear uptill now but if in case it is not clear you can visit the following video tutorial for any further assistance.