Skyfire web browser for mobile phones
Skyfire is a web browser developed exclusively for the Symbian mobile platform. Just like the other mobile browser available today like mini opera for mobile, Skyfire is also another browser in the category of mobile browsers. Well if a comparison has to be made between both the browsers there is not much of a difference except the fact that mini opera for mobile provides a better performance but with approximately the same features. Despite all the similarities there is always some or other thing that is unique about the application which makes it special among the lot. You can discover more about Skyfire web browser for Symbian mobile phones in the list of feature given below.

Features of Skyfire web browser for mobile phones:
1. Skyfire web browser for mobile phones allows you to watch videos and it provides full support to all the video formats available. You can also listen to online music with Skyfire web browser for mobile phones.
2. Just like all other web browsers, Skyfire web browser for mobile phones also allows you to access all your social networking sites and do all the activities from your mobile phone just like you do them from your pc.
3. As per the developers of the application, they say it to be the fastest mobile web browser but the user opinion is certainly not the same. Even I also agree with the users about the launch speed of Skyfire web browser. Moreover there have been a lot of crash issues reported by many users.
To talk about the performance of Skyfire web browser for mobile phones in one word, it would be unstable. Due to this very instability we are looking forward to the next release of Skyfire web browser for mobile phones.