Widget By Devils Workshop

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Your Windows Mobile with Scribbler

Scrible On Your Windows Mobile with Scribbler
Scribbler mobile application is designed specially for Symbian UIQ 3 phones. UIQ here stands for user interface quartz. What good about UIQ series phones is the inherent support for touch screen functionality and Scribbler makes full use of this technology by enabling you to create or write what ever you want to on the screen of your mobile phone
Features of Scribbler are:
1. Scribbler, unlike other similar application doesn’t divide the work area into pages. Infact Scribbler considers the work area as a huge roll of paper which can be extended to your desired limit.
2. One smart feature is that when you reach to the bottom of the screen, it automatically scrolls to the top of the subsequent work area.
3. You just need to use a stylus or even your fingertip to create or write whatever you want to.
4. Scribbler also has some buttons on the screen which enables you to zoom in and out. They also provide the image formatting options and whats good is that you can also add colour to your creativity and imagination.
5. With Scribbler its easy to save quick notes and later on the image or text roll you have created can be sent via Bluetooth as a bmp file
Scribbler is however a little slow when you need to scroll through the roll but overall this application provides reasonably good functionality with minimal style to it.
Download Scribbler
Supported phones: Symbian OS phones UIQ 3

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Your Mobile Phone KeyBoard with Virtual Key

Program Your Mobile Phone KeyBoard with Virtual Key
Virtual Key is a mobile application designed for Symbian operation system mobile phones. Virtual Key is however not a very stylish application but it certainly provides the full functionality for what it is meant to perform. Virtual Key mobile application is designed for making the keypad to performs different functions or in other words key mapping.
Features of Virtual Key:
1. Virtual Key allows you to configure almost every key on you r key pad and whats more is that you can also configure your soft keys to perform other tasks.
2. You can map the numeric 2 key to perform “up” function and just like this you can map almost any key.
3. Virtual Key doesn’t only supports the classic keypads but it also provides full support for QWERTY keyboards thereby increasing the activity domain of the keypads.
4. Virtual Key supports two types of mapping techniques which are include and exclude and the key mapping can be done according to your choice and mode of preference.
5. Virtual Key mobile application also provides full support not only in English but it is also available for download in many other international languages.
The interface of the application is not so trendy and eye catching but this is an application designed to provide functionality rather than looks and style. Download the application from the link given below and leave your comments so that the other users can be benefitted.
Supported phones: all the Symbian OS phones.
Download Virtual Key

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Turn Your Mobile Into A GPS Navigation Device

VZ Navigator - Turn Your Mobile Into A GPS Navigation Device

With the increasing use of technology, the mobile life of the users is increasingly becoming convenient and easier. To add to the ease VZ Navigator is developed which is a GPS based mobile phone application with the ultimate goal turning your mobile phone into a GPS navigation device. At this point it must be said that VZ Navigator certainly does the task very efficiently for what is meant to be. Moreover VZ Navigator is also compatible with the existing versions of the prevailing GPS technologies.VZ Navigator uses Assisted GPS technology which is assisted by the GPS and cellular antennas. To sum everything about VZ Navigator in few words, VZ Navigator provides all the features that any advanced navigation system must have. There are quite a lot of goods about VZ Navigator but there are also some bads to accompany VZ Navigator.

Features of VZ Navigator:

1. VZ Navigator provides all the features of any advanced navigation system coupled with the good old features of mobile phone. One thing here to be said is that both the functions are very well integrated.
2. VZ Navigator also provides sharing facilities. VZ Navigator allows you to get the locations of your friends who also have VZ Navigator installed in their mobile phones. In this way you can easily get knowledge about the whereabouts of your friends who also have VZ Navigator installed in their mobile phones.
3. VZ Navigator also has a state of art very powerful navigation technique and the best thing is that all this comes at a very low cost which is always better than spending hundreds and thousands of dollars.
Now to talk about the drawbacks of VZ Navigator, VZ Navigator provides very less support for the blackberry users. Verizon offers “Version 4″ but when you try to download it via your blackberry you automatically retrieve Version 2.9.9 and this certainly not a very good choice for blackberry users.

Supported phones: BlackBerry, HTC, LG, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, Verizon Wireless, windows mobile

Monday, December 22, 2008

Theme For Your Mobile

Christmas Tree Theme For Your Mobile Phone
The festive season is approaching and it is just the time that you should install some Christmas theme into your mobile phone. Enjoy the holidays and bring into your life the joy of Christmas by installing this Christmas Tree Theme. Christmas Tree Theme is available as a free download from the link given below. The Christmas Tree Theme is developed specially for the Symbian series phones and the developer of the Christmas Tree Theme is Gnokkia.Well to be very precise the Christmas Tree Theme is developed for the Symbian s60 3th edition mobile phones and if you have one then don’t hesitate to download and install this them in your Symbian s60 3th edition mobile phone. The Christmas Tree Theme by Gnokkia is specifically designed in red colour to mark the arrival of Christmas as red is the colour we associate with Santa Claus and Christmas.
Features of Christmas Tree Theme by Gnokkia:
1. The Christmas Tree Theme has a red colour all over it, which to some extent looks very nice and eye catching. Red colour constantly reminds about the joy associated with Christmas and the Santa Claus and the related fun n frolic.
2. Christmas Tree Theme by Gnokkia also has a very nice sketch of a Christmas tree on the home screen. The tree is shown as a white colored outline which mixes very well with the red background and certainly looks very splendid.
3. As it must be quite obvious by know that everything about the Christmas Tree Theme by Gnokkis is red. To add to the redness of the theme, the icons are also colored red. Despite the fact that there is too much use of red the Christmas Tree Theme by Gnokkia still looks very nice and brings out the whole festive theme.

Supported phones: Symbian s60 3th edition mobile phones.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Browser for mobile phones

Skyfire web browser for mobile phones

Skyfire is a web browser developed exclusively for the Symbian mobile platform. Just like the other mobile browser available today like mini opera for mobile, Skyfire is also another browser in the category of mobile browsers. Well if a comparison has to be made between both the browsers there is not much of a difference except the fact that mini opera for mobile provides a better performance but with approximately the same features. Despite all the similarities there is always some or other thing that is unique about the application which makes it special among the lot. You can discover more about Skyfire web browser for Symbian mobile phones in the list of feature given below.

Features of Skyfire web browser for mobile phones:
1. Skyfire web browser for mobile phones allows you to watch videos and it provides full support to all the video formats available. You can also listen to online music with Skyfire web browser for mobile phones.
2. Just like all other web browsers, Skyfire web browser for mobile phones also allows you to access all your social networking sites and do all the activities from your mobile phone just like you do them from your pc.
3. As per the developers of the application, they say it to be the fastest mobile web browser but the user opinion is certainly not the same. Even I also agree with the users about the launch speed of Skyfire web browser. Moreover there have been a lot of crash issues reported by many users.
To talk about the performance of Skyfire web browser for mobile phones in one word, it would be unstable. Due to this very instability we are looking forward to the next release of Skyfire web browser for mobile phones.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Google Android Phone Application

Download WordMate - Google Android Phone Application

Google’s android doesn’t have much of dictionary softwares but WordMate is one gem of software for the android platforms. The idea of WordMate is quite unique and it seems that WordMate will do well. WordMate is a universal dictionary mobile application which means that you do not need a different dictionary to every language or purpose but WordMate has it all. WordMate is an universal dictionary application for Google Android platform which does not have its own database which means that WordMate only acts as a skin or an interface between the user and the third party database. You can find many dictionaries online and add to the database of WordMate.
Features of WordMate:

1. WordMate can recognize most of the dictionary formats such as .dwm format and Stardict format files. There are the most famous dictionary formats and can be added to the disctionary database of WordMate very easily.

2. Adding the dictionary database is also quite easy, you just need to download the dictionary files from the internet and save them under the /wordmate folder in SDCard.

3. The latest version of the WordMate which is 0.7 beta was released on 24th October 2008 which supports new features such as added animation list and added wordlist. The new and the latest version of the wordmate also has better and improved graphics user interface better known as GUI.

4. All the major bugs have been fixed in the latest version of wordmate but there are still many bugs which are left and needs to be cater to and as said by the developers, the remaining bugs will be soon sorted out.

Given below is a list of some dictionary databases which you can download and add to the database of WordMate

Shortcuts for opera mini for mobiles.

Some cool keyboard shortcuts for opera mini for mobiles.

When it comes to opera mini i would like to say that it is one of the amazing browsers i have used on my phone but unluckily it doest works on my new phone model n-gage qd.Well coming to point today i would like to tell some amazing shortcuts you can while using opera mini.
If you press # while using opera mni on your phone you will get a menu containing the keys associated for different actions like
1.Entering the url in the address bar ,
2. accessing bookmarks. As shown in the snapshot below…it contains the snapshot of the page which gets displayed when we press # while using opera mini.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Google Phone Android Application

Download Puluwai - Google Phone Android Application

The name of the google android application doesn’t explain much about its functionality and working. Puluwai is a mobile real estete search engine with which you can browse all the real estete listing in your location. Puluwai has made searching any real estate or property in your location very easy and can be done either by keying in the location or all the property listings in your current location can be easily found by using the inbuilt GPS of google android. To put it rightly Puluwai can be thought of as a must to have application by a property dealer if by any chance he happens to have google G1 android phone.

Features of Puluwai:

1. With the quick search option of Puluwai, you can find all the property listing in your area quite conveniently, easily and effectively.

2. If you don’t want to enter the location manually then you can also use the GPS technology of G1 phone and get the job done.

3. Puluwai also enables the G1 users to view the photos of all the properties on sale and then later on you can click on the desired image to view the enlarged version and have an idea about the property if it interests you.

4. Right from the map screen you can contact the owner of the property and fix terms with the selling party. Indeed a very nice feature provided by Puluwai.

5. Whats good is that whichever property suits you or you think is worth having a look at, you can mark them on the map and share them with your family, friends or any person you wish to seek advice before buying the property.

For all the users who want to see a video tutorial of how to use Puluwai, can visit this link and the download link of Puluwai can be obtained below.

Download Puluwai

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Download handy Calc

Download handyCalc - Google Android Phone Application

The new google android has opened many opportunities for the open source developers to show their creativity and intelligence. handyCalc is one such application which comes right from the desk of one such developer. Almost every other phone has a calculator in it but there is no phone which has a calculator which is even close to the power of handyCalc and this is all because of the android OS. handyCalc just like many other calculators not only performs the simple arithmetic operations but it also has some very unique advanced mathematics features which are listed below.

Features of handyCalc are:

1. handyCalc enables the G1 users to solve complex mathematical equations which includes solving the linear eqations.

2. With handyCalc you can also finds the roots of the equation may it be linear or complex.

3. You can also perform calculations based on the Newton method.

4. But the most striking feature about handyCalc is that you can also draw graphs and study and compare two graphs. The graphs you draw can also be animated without any glitch in the recent upgrade of the handyCalc.

5. You just need to type in the equation for which the graph is required and handyCalc will mange the rest of mathematics for you and will diplay the best possible graph from the available information.

6. You can also zoom in and out from the graph if you want to concentrate on a particular region of the graph.

7. Whats really good is that despite it providing really complex operations, it keeps all the complexity to itself and has a very clean and friendly interface making it very easy for even the novice users to use it.

The functionality of handyCalc must be very clear uptill now but if in case it is not clear you can visit the following video tutorial for any further assistance.

Download handyCalc

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Assigning Shortcuts To Camera Mobile Phone With Camcuts

Assigning Shortcuts To Camera Mobile Phone With Camcuts

This is a software basically used for assigning shortcuts to camera mobile phone. This software helps to use your camera mobile with one touch, i.e. you can made changes in your camera setting with shortcuts assigned to it.This software will make your phone accessible with only one touch and the entire settings cam be done in an effective and efficient manner by pressing a single key to access camera functions.This software can only be installed in your phone if it has the Symbian operating systems.This software was launched on November 17th, 2008. Camcuts software can be installed on S-60 mobiles which add functionality to your mobile phone by assigning shortcuts to your camera, assigning keys for basic functionality, add some more functions to your camera, also compatible with enhancements used by phone while using camera.

Camcuts add 3 more features to assign shortcuts to your camera mobile .Features provided by Camcuts:-
1. Flash mode :
• Key 1 – Auto (add camera to set on auto flash mode )
• Key 4 – On(flash of camera is set on )
• Key 7 – Red Eye (add red eye feature to flash on taking a photograph)
• Key * - Off(flash of camera is set off)
2. Photo Mode :-
• Key 2 – Auto(set camera mode to auto which adjust its screen mode according to the day light )
• Key 5 – User(set camera to user mode in which user will set the photo mode according to itself )
• Key 8 – Night(set camera to night mode )
• Key 0 – Macro(set the camera to macro mode in which user gets a super magnified image )
3. General :-
• Key 3 – Video/Photo(change mode to either video or photo )
• Key 6 – Crosshair (adjust cross hair according to camera features )
• Key 9 - Color Mode(add settings to your phone in which user can adjust color sensitivity of the image )
• Key # - Self Timer(add the camera to functionality if clicking the photo automatically after the timer has set)

Download Camcuts

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Apply Custom Profile on your mobile phone

Apply Custom

Profile on your

mobile phone

with FlipSilent

FlipSilent mobile application is specially designed for smartphones which have accelerometer and motion sensors like nokia N95 etc. FlipSilent mobile application is specially designed for Symbian series 60 phones which takes the advantage of the inbuilt accelerometer and the motion sensor of the phone.

Key features of FlipSilent:

1. FlipSilent allows you to customize various profiles according to your needs and set the configuration menu to match your requirements.

2. You can configure upto 6 custom profiles.

3. FlipSilent also lets you set the option of hanging up the call or put the phone in silent mode when you flip over your phone.

4. With FlipSilent you can harness the true potential of your phone and whats really good is that you can also configure the sensor activity and can set it work under different situations.

5. With FlipSilent you can also configure the alarm options which means that how will the alarm react when you flip over the phones. You can configure the alarm to stop of go in snooze mode.

6. Moreover returning back to the previous profile is also very simple. Just flip back and your phone will revert back to the previous profile from the silent profile.FlipSilent is an application which is must to have in every business man’s phone. To know more about the working of the
application you can see this demo video


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Downlaod Free Nokia Internet Radio

Downlaod Free
Nokia Internet Radio

Just along with the release of nokia channels, nokia’s software lab has come up with its new application called Nokia Internet Radio. Nokia Internet Radio is actually a very simple infact I can say the simplest internet radio application which full functionality. It’s not necessary for the applications to be flashy to provide functionality. Sometimes the simplest of the things are best ones.

Features of Nokia Internet Radio:

1. Nokia Internet Radio currently provides support to mp3 streaming and the developers are working on to provide more support.

2. You can browse through all the radio station via Nokia Internet Radio’s central management systems by genre, popularity etc.

3. If you like any radio station then you can also add that particular radio station to your favourites and then access it from your favourites menu.

4. Nokia Internet Radio also supports the sound fading option which means that the sound of the previous radio station will gradually fall and the sound of the new station will increase when you switch to a new station.

5. Moreover the code is so very well written that the application functions good under any circumstances.

One thing you need to take care is that listening to radio via grps or your mobile internet may turn out be costly unless you have unlimited usage plans. So decide before you start using this nokia radio application.

Supported phones: Symbian series 60 third edition phones.

Download Nokia Internet Radio

Monday, December 1, 2008

Control Your Home Applicance by Mobile Phone

Control Your Home

Applicance by Mobile

Phone with Home

Control Centre

Home Conteol centre is a mobile developed by nokia and it aims at providing solutions to automate the homes. Home Control centre is however currently for UK users and can be used to regulate almost any electronic appliance in homes. Home Control centre is still due to launch but there is no information revealed by nokia about the price tag as yet.

Features of Home Control centre:

1. Home Control centre allows you to control almost every electronic item in the household. You can control the temperature of your room to your home security system.

2. Home Control centre aims at integrating all the electronic equipment over the internet which is certainly a very big challenge.

3. Nokia has also used linux platform for developing Home Control centre which is open source. Linux was selected so that the manufactures of the electronic gadgets can also develop compatible softwares for their products.

4. In near future nokia aims at providing the users with a feature of knowing their current electricity consumption and regulate their equipments accordingly even when they are away from home.

The idea of smart homes by nokia seems to be a really nice one but there are a lot of hurdles in the way and the challenge taken by nokia is also going to be a tough. Getting the manufacturers of the electronics to develop software for their products which is compatible with nokia’s Home Control centre will also be a big task.

Supported phones
: nokia smatphones

Download Now

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Use A Cell Phone As A Webcam

Use A Cell Phone As A Webcam
This tutorial covers the steps on how to turn a Windows enabled mobile phone into a Webcam that you can stream over the internet.

IM+ for Skype for iphone & other mobiles

Download Free

IM+ for Skype for

iphone & other mobiles

Skype has been a major player in the voice chat sector with its crystal clear voice clarity, no matter how far the person is with whom you are talking. Skype has undoubtedly done very well in proving voip features over internet through your pc. But with IM+ for Skype mobile application you enjoy the same benefits from your mobile phone. Enjoy the same voice clarity and no delay during voice chats.

Features of IM+ for Skype:

1. With IM+ for Skype mobile application you can chat with your friends on their mobile phones and pc at very cheap rates.

2. With IM+ for Skype it doesn’t really matter if you are using any of 3G⁄GSM⁄CDMA, IM+ for Skype will provide the same features and seamless integration.

3. IM+ for Skype has a built in help or user guide and a very easy interface which makes it easy to use and understand its functionality.

4. You can also send text messages through Skype to your friends on pc or their mobile phones which will certainly prove to a cost effective solution.

5. You can also call at the fixed landlines at a very low price. Check out the skype site for more information about the call charges.

IM+ for Skype is however available as a free download for 7 days but then you will have to buy it. In the trail version some of the features have been locked and you need to make sure that you have an unlimited data access package in order to make this application really a profitable deal for you.

Download IM+ click on the following link :- http://www.shapeservices.com/en/select

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Record incoming and outgoing calls

Record incoming

and outgoing

calls with Spy Call

As the name suggests Spy Call is call recording mobile software with which you can record all your calls so that you can listen to them later on or if you want to get hold of somebody red handed, record his voice during the call. Spy Call comes from the people at Killer Mobile Software and is certainly not difficult to use infact this application is just the right blend of features and functionality. Install Spy Call and record each and every call you make or it comes to you.

Key features of Spy Call include:

1. Spy Call also provides the feature of call recording when you are not attending the call.

2. The calls which are recorded are done in a light amr coding thereby consuming as less memory as possible.

3. With Spy Call you can also enable the smart naming of the saved audio clips so that you don’t have to name each and every clip. It also provides support to rename the clips.

4. You can also send the saved audio clips over Bluetooth, IR to other phones and you can also
upload the saved clips to your email account.

5. Spy Call provides beep free call recording feature so that you are not interrupted in the call while it is being recorded.

6. Spy Call also has a password protection so that no one else can disable the Spy Call and can open and listen to the recorded audio conversation.

The 14 day trial version of Spy Call is available as a free download but you have to pay some amount to get the full version and unlimited updates for life time. So try it yourself and decide if this tiny mobile appliction is well suited for your need. You can purchase the full version from www.killermobile.com

Supported phones: Nokia: 3230, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 6708, 7610, N70, N72, N90, 3250, 5320, 5500, 5700, 6110 Navigator, 6120c, 6121 classic, 6290, E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E66, E70, E71, E90, N71, N73, N75, N76, N77, N78, N80-1, N81, N81 8GB, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95, N95 8GB, N96, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660
Samsung: SGH i550
And many more ……

Download Spy Call click on the following link :-

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Vista Skin for your mobile

Download GDesk

Vista Skin for

your mobile

GDesk is a vista Skin which can really give look and feel of vista to your smartphone. The theme has a crystal clear interface specially if you have a high screen resolution smartphone, you can feel the originality in the theme. The developer of this theme has really tried hard to give it a look and feel of vista and to some extent he has done it successfully. The basic motto of the theme was to provide looks with full functionality by providing everything at your fingertips.

Features of GDesk Vista Skin:

1. The developer has included a power button at the top right corner of the screen, so that you can get quick access to the shut down menu and this button actually works, it not just to make the interface look good.

2. On the home page of the theme you have a dedicated media icon, just tap on it to bring out all the options related to media on your screen.

3. There are many applications in the phone which cannot be grouped under any category; all those applications are put under the toolbox icon.

4. This theme also has a dedicated office icon on the home screen which can bring up the entire office stuff making it easier and convenient for you.

5. You can also customize the explorer icon; the Bluetooth icon etc to appear on your home page
thereby providing quick access to the most used applications.

6. The icon in the shape of a game remote is self explanatory for the purpose it is designed to be and the purpose it will serve.

The theme really looks good and has a vista feel to it along with full functionality but there are reports by the users that if you try to uninstall this theme, it leaves all your default icons messed up. I don’t know if it is really like that, so try it if you want to.

Supported phones: Symbian 9.3 phones.

Download GDesk click on the following link :-

Monday, November 17, 2008

Call to any mobile Talkonaut

Call to any mobile

device with Talkonaut

Talkonaut is a mobile application with which you can call for free to any mobile device anywhere. Even if the calls are not free, it provides the cheapest alternative to make internatiomal calls or infact any call. Talkonaut provides support to voip over gprs, 3G so that only the data transfer charge is the only cost you have to bear which is certainly very cheap than the expensive talk time minutes. When using Talkonaut you can chat all of your friends using different clients like Jabber, Google Talk, ICQ, MSN, AIM and Yahoo.

Features of Talkonaut are:

1. With Talkonaut you can make free calls to your friends using Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, SIP and other Talkonaut buddies.

2. Talkonaut provides integrated support to all the other networks like Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and you can receive and send messages to all your friends belonging to different networks.

3. Talkonaut also has some built in smileys which you can use while chatting with your friends.

4. Talkonaut can also reduce the bandwidth usage upto 15 times by its zlib compression technology which can certainly save good amount of money if you don’t have flat rate package.

5. Talkonaut also has support for file transfer.

6. With Talkonaut you can also initiate your own private chat session with your friends so that no one else can disturb you while you are in a conference.

7. The interface is also very simple and very well carved. Its multitab menu provides quick access to different categories.

8. Talkonaut shows the status message of your friends and you can also set your status message so that others can know what you are doing right now.

The list will go on, so download the application and start using the benefits of Talkonaut but before using Talkonaut, ensure that you have a flat rate data package, only then it will turn out be a really cheap calling option.

Supported phones: all the java based mobile phones, the Symbian S60 2nd/3rd edition phones and the windows mobile phones.

Download Talkonaut click on the following link :- http://www.talkonaut.com/

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Easily Calls & SMS Reject with Easy Reject

Reject telemarkerting

calls easily with

Easy Reject

Easy Reject is another application that is must for every business official and student. Easy Reject prevents you from getting into embarrassing situation by stopping your phone from ringing at unwanted times that too by those salesmen, telecallers and all insurance agents. There may be unlimited number list from whom you would never like to get disturbed and Easy Reject helps you in achieving this.

The key features of Easy Reject include:

1. With Easy Reject you can add the numbers from which you don’t want to get disturbed into the black list and Easy Reject will take care that they do not disturb you again.

2. Easy Reject sends busy tone the callers added to your black list keeping them in a notion that you are really talking to someone.

3. Even if the blacklisted people try to message you, their message won’t appear on the screen and you will not be notified about it. It will simply be added into the message log which you can see later on.

4. Easy Reject integrates very well the phone books in your phone and keeps log offal the activities it performs for your future reference.
Good and bads are integral part of each other and Easy Reject is also no exception to this. On one hand it helps you in managing your incoming calls, screens and filters them but on the other hand you may miss on a very important call from a number which you may have added into the blacklist earlier and this a last situation you would like to be in.

Supported phones: for a complete list of supported devices click

Download Easy Reject click on the following link :-


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Advanced Call Manager

Avoid irritating calls

with Advanced

Call Manager

Advanced Call Manager is a mobile application designed especially for people who are tired of their phone ringing at the wrong moment, when they are in meeting or attending some lecture etc. Advanced Call Manager takes care of all the incoming calls and performs functions already set by you when that particular situation is encountered by it. Advanced Call Manager is a software that every business and student must have in their phones.

Key features of Advanced Call Manager are:

1. Advanced Call Manager has a very fast recognition engine which responds to the incoming call almost instantly with the response you have already set.

2. Advanced Call Manager allows you to arrange your contacts into different categorist depending upon the preferences. For instance you can add the people by whom you don’t want to be disturbed in the black list and other important people can be added to the white list. Another list is the custom list which replies to their call by sms if you are busy.

3. You can customize different profile and set different preference according to your needs.

4. Another good feature of Advanced Call Manager is that you can also reject the calls of the people whose number does not display on the mobile screen.

5. Advanced Call Manager always run in the background and starts with the phone which ensure complete piece of mind.

Advanced Call Manager is available as a free download but take utmost care while personalizing the profiles because you would never want to miss an important call. You can download Advanced Call Manager from the link given below.

Download Advanced Call Manager click on the following link :-


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Format Your s60 Symbian Phones

Format Your s60

Symbian Phones

If you face problems like nokia 6600 gallery is not opening, camera is not working,Bluetooth device of mobile is not working,mobile is operating much slowly, u’r cell is infected by viruses like commwarior (we’ve an alternate solution for this )..and many other problems then first RESET your phone so that it’ll get theoriginal factory settings. First format by secret codes here and then if the codes failed go for full hard formatting via keys (step 3). Resetting just solves many problems and if the problem still persists go for other alternatives found in our ‘PROBLEM SOLVER’.


1st step : SOFT RESETTING NOKIA 6600

A Soft-reset is the process of resetting all the settings of the phone to the factory default! No applications are deleted.

Take backups of ur phone books,calender and others, then simply enter the code
It will ask for “Restore all phone settings-phone’ll restart….”
Then it asks for security code enter ur security code whose default value is 12345 then the phone is resetted after restart.The phone will be restored to the time when you purchased the phone.Default apps are not deleted.


A Hard-reset is like formatting a memory disk. It formats the phone memory. Everything that has been installed other than default apps at d time of purchase are deleted.The phone’s setting will be restored to the time when you purchased the phone.Default apps are not deleted.

Just enter the code-
Then it asks for security code enter ur security code whose deafault value is 12345 ….then proceed as in previous step….


3rd step :'FLASHING 6600' : ANOTHER METHOD FOR HARD FULL FORMATTING If any of the above methods failed to make your phone formatted then try this step-mainly try this step if the problems are following-blank screen phone unable to boot, phone is only able to boot-up to Nokia screen ,unable to uninstall any installed software,unable to delete certain files on C drive(phone memory).This step is known as flashing of phone. Always do this step at last (after 1st 2 steps are over and u are not successfull) as these problems might be solved by resetting using codes.

To format the (restore factory settings) phone here is a way .
1. Make sure you phone is fully charged. (At minimum 3/4 of bettery should be left)
2. Backup your contacts list and personal files to MMC memory card (if possible).
3. Switch-off your 6600 phone.
4. Press and hold these three keys together
-Green dial key,-Star key (*)-Three key (3) then press the power on/off to swtich on the 6600 phone.

Do not let go the three keys until you see the formatting screen displayed
5. After a few minutes, the format will be complete. Your 6600 will now be at its original factory settings (It will reach the same state as that in when you purchased it). All inbuilt applications provided by nokiawill not be deleted).

DISCLAIMER: We will not be held responsible for anything that happens to your phone as a result of following my guide. Use this guide at your own discretion and risk.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Vuclip Mobile Video Search

Vuclip Mobile Video Search

Vuclip Mobile Video Search
earlier know as blueapple.mobi is actually a website through which you can search for any video from anywhere in the world.Whats really good is that with this application yo
u can also search the videos from your mobile phone internet.

Features of Vuclip Mobile Video Search:

1. The Vuclip Mobile Video Search launcher is available as a free download and if you don’t want to download the application, you can simply access the service by typing http://vuclip.com in your mobile phone browser.

2. With Vuclip Mobile Video Search you get access to more than 100 millions videos from numerous websites.

3. You can search and watch the video from your favorite category may it be Bollywood, Hollywood or any other category. Browsing through the categories is very easy with a well designed UI.

4. You can also share the videos you like with your friends on your social network right from your mobile phone.

5. Vuclip Mobile Video Search provides you high quality videos optimized just for your mobile phone.

6. Vuclip Mobile Video Search can also be used for business purposes, so just use the application to discover the features.

Supported phones: all Symbian, BlackBerry, Pocket PC, Java (J2ME) phones

Download Vuclip Mobile Video Search click on the following link :-


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Free blogging and IM with Mobispine

Free blogging and

IM with Mobispine

Mobispine is a very easy to install application and has a very easy to understand user interface with which you can enjoy instant messaging along the benefits of blogging.

Key features :

1. The chat feature in Mobispine is fully stuffed with quite a lot of utilities. You can send audio, video attachments, manage your contacts, send the list to the contact you want to and many more features which are left for you to discover.

2. You can also send the message directly to your blog by simply typing the message by selecting the new message option. Add any audio/video content you want to add and then simply send is to a blog.

3. Mobispine also ensures minimum bandwidth usage as it has been optimized to bandwidth consumption as low as possible. The developers of Mobispine have put in some serious effort in making this application.

4. The best part is that Mobispine is available as a free and full download with no hidden extra costs.

5. Mobispine is available in many languages and you can download Mobispine in any language you want for free.

Mobispine is however very easy to usr and configure but if you get some connection problems then you should try checking your java settings and should have atleast gprs enables phone.

Download Mobispine click on the following link :-


Monday, November 10, 2008

Synchronizing your phone with GooSync for free

Synchronizing your

phone with GooSync

GooSync is a mobile application powered by toffa with which you enjoy the complete freedom of easily and conveniently synchronizing your mobile phone with the google calendar. GooSync is actually follows a server based synchronizing service module which can synchronise your mobile phone with the google calendar service. GooSync allows a bidirectional synchronisation of your contacts and task from your mobile phone to server and vice versa and this synchronisation technique uses sync markup language and is undoubtedly a very secure synchronisation procedure.

Features of GooSync include:

1. GooSync allows the bidirectional synchronisation of contacts and calendar between the GooSync server and the mobile and vice versa.

2. With the free version of GooSync you can synchronise your appointments and tasks 30 days in advance and with its full version you can synchronise 365 days in advance.

3. GooSync also provides the auto sync option but this option is available to the premium users of GooSync and no such feature is available for the free version users.

4. Getting started with GooSync is also very easy because of its well designed and well explained user interface. Just follow the instruction to register with GooSync and start using its benefits.

5. GooSync is also very secure and safe as they do not use your google account id and password to fetch the information instead they use google’s sub authentication method.

There are quite some differences in the features of the free version of GooSync and the premium version of GooSync for which you need to shell out nearly $20 for an year’s subscription. The difference between the free and the premium service lies in the Multiple Device Support, Priority Support, Google Contacts Synchronization, Tasks Manager, GooSync Contacts Backup and Restore and many more features.

Download GooSync This Link:- http://www.goosync.com/

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Best Screen Snap

Best Screen Snap

Best Screen Snap is an application with which you can capture the screen of your phone, it’s like you can save the image of your screen just like you save the screenshot of your desktop by pressing the print screen button. I cannot see any practical application of Best Screen Snap but you can send the screenshot of your mobile screen to your friends and let them know what stuff you are using in your phone. Just keep the Best ScreenSnap running in the background and press the key or keys you have set as the hot keys for clicking the snapshot of your mobile phone screen.

Features of Best Screen Snap:

1. Best ScreenSnap allows you to define your own set of hotkeys and then you only need to press those keys to take the snapshot of your mobile phone screen.
2. Best ScreenSnap also provides support to BMP and JPG so that you can save the image in any of the format you want to. Better the clarity, more disk space it will require.
3. You can also set a sound which will notify you that the screenshot has been taken.
4. Best ScreenSnap also allows you predefine the name of the screenshots you take. For instance you can set any preset to the file name like s and the files will be saved with name s1.jpg, s2.jpg etc.
5. Best ScreenSnap also allows you to set the destination folder where the screenshots will be saved so that you easily locate them at any time.
6. With Best ScreenSnap you can send the images taken directly over Bluetooth, IR, email or you can save them to disk.

So there are quite some features which makes the application worth trying if by any chance you are interested in taking the screenshots of your mobile phone. Best ScreenSnap is available as a free download and here is the download link.

Supported phones:

LG KS10, Nokia 3250, Nokia 5500 Sport, Nokia 5700, Nokia 6110 Navigator, Nokia 6120, Nokia 6121, Nokia 6290, Nokia E50, Nokia E51, Nokia E60, Nokia E61, Nokia E61i, Nokia E62, Nokia E65, Nokia E66, Nokia E70, Nokia E71, Nokia E90, Nokia N71, Nokia N73, Nokia N75, Nokia N76, Nokia N77, Nokia N78, Nokia N79, Nokia N80, Nokia N81, Nokia N81 8GB, Nokia N82, Nokia N85, Nokia N91, Nokia N92, Nokia N93, Nokia N93i, Nokia N95, Nokia N95 8GB, Samsung SGH-i400, Samsung SGH-i450, Samsung SGH-i520, Samsung SGH-i550, Samsung SGH-i560

Download this sotfware go to the link:-


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mobile Phone into a PC Remote Control

Turn Your Mobile
Phone into a PC Remote
Control ith MobileWitch.

You have had a hard day and you decide to relax a bit, lying on your couch, listening to soft soothing music and just when you start to saturate a heavy metal song starts banging, but you are so tired that you just don’t feel to go to your pc and change the song. You only with that there was a remote control to your pc and MobileWitch provides you with one such solution.
Key features of MobileWitch are:
1. With MobileWitch you can control all your desktop application from your mobile phone but before that you need to have MobileWitch installed on your phone as well as on your desktop.
2. MobileWitch works on client server architecture and the server is installed in the pc and the mobile is made the client.
3. With MobileWitch you can control your pc mouse, keyboard, various application and many utilities, making life a bit easier.
4. You can control the keyboard with the keypad on your phone and if by any chance you have a phone with qwerty keyboard, there is nothing better.
5. MobileWitch allows you to control the mouse with the joystick on your phone. The functioning is not as easy as using a mouse but it can do the job it is meant to be.
6. With MobileWitch you can control many applications like Winamp, WindowsMedia Player,
PowerPoint, Internet Explorer and Firefox
Download MobileWitch and get a free remote for your desktop and enjoy the experience of wireless connectivity.
Download Form Free software of this site.

NOKIA Universal Codes

These Nokia codes
will workon most
Nokia Mobile Phones:-

(1) *3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talktime is reduced my approx. 5%

(2)#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) OR *3370# ( Favourite )

(3)*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time.

(4)*#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec.

(5)*#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type. ( Favourite )

(6)*#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.

(7)*#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number). ( Favourite )

(8)#pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
and "+" symbols).

(9)#pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
and "+" symbols).

(10)#pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
and "+" symbols).

(11)#pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
and "+" symbols).

(12)*#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last.

(13)*#1471# Last call (Only vodofone).

(14)*#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to

(15)*#2640# Displays security code in use.

(16)*#30# Lets you see the private number.

(17)*#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.

(18)*#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to.

(19)*#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls
are diverted to.

(20)*#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to.

(21)*#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330.

(22)*#73# Reset phone timers and game scores.

(23)*#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible.

(24) *#7760# Manufactures code.

(25)*#7780# Restore factory settings.

(26)*#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110.

(27)*#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again. ( Favourite )

(28)*#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem.

(29)**21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered.

(30)**61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered.

(31)**67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered.

(32)12345 This is the default security code.

Widget By Devils Workshop